
A note from Amanda…

No one forces us to undercharge or stay up late answering emails. You are your own boss. I am my own boss. If we want to suffer (even just a little) we surely will create a way to and entrepreneurship is a fun way to do that.

What if we could love ourselves with our business? What if our business could be the kindest and most supportive thing that we create in our lives? What if it could support us in our darkest times and be a source of light and energy?

If we want to change the way that we do business we have to be willing to look at the ways we are using our business to play out our beliefs, our worthiness and our capacity to let ourselves be loved and held and supported.

We have to look at who we are being in business. Am I trying to earn love? Or am I loving myself? It is hard love yourself, appreciate yourself and create a business that supports exactly who you are.

It is easier to try to mold yourself into being everything for everyone, but we can never escape the fact that we are ourselves and we will always fall short when we abandon that.

You are worthy enough/good enough to honor exactly what you want, what your intuition is telling you and the boundaries you need to set with a deep knowing that is for the highest good for all.

Self-love and peace are the foundation of success in entrepreneurship.

Instead of asking “what do I need to do today?” ask “what’s the most loving action I can take?” and building the foundation of our business with that answer.